Ze blijven er ook allemaal slapen, ah ja, want wie durft de straat nog op na een avondje griezelen ? ;-)
Halloween is geen echte traditie in België. Het is komen overwaaien uit de Angelsaksische landen (Ierland, Engeland, USA en Canada). Op de avond van 31 oktober verkleden de kinderen zich in heksen of andere griezelfiguren en gaan de huizen langs. Ze zingen 'trick or treat' en dan krijgen ze een snoepje. We kennen Halloween vooral van (horror) films op TV. De laatste decennia duiken in onze contreien meer en meer Halloween-artikelen op en allerhande feestjes. Dit is meer van commerciële dan van symbolische aard.
Leuke website over Halloween: http://users.telenet.be/HappyHalloween/
Our daughter, Laura is at a Halloween-party tonight. It's the 3rd time already that she and her friends have been invited by their friend whose mother is of English origine. The picture was taken at the 1st party 2 years ago. The girls play scary games and there are all kinds of creepy things to eat. They all stay the night, because who dares to go out on the street after a night of shivering and shaking ?
Halloween is not so much of a tradition in Belgium. It originates from Ireland, England, Canada and the USA where it is a big tradition. The children are dressed up as a witch or other creepy character and go by every house and say 'trick or treat'. We know this mainly from films (especially horror films) on TV. Halloween has been introduced in our regions mostly for commercial reasons.http://www.zastavki.com/eng/Holidays/Halloween/wallpaper-3676.htm
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